Location address:
105082, Russia, Moscow, Bakuninskaya Street, 73, p.1

+7 (495) 600-31-68
INN 7727322268 OGRN 1177746606894

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions,

would like to arrange a consultation or need a quote for a job or project.

CGF Innovation (CGFACTORY INNOVATION LLC, INN 7727322268) — is an IT company whose activities are focused on the development of proprietary software and hardware solutions for the needs of VFX production.

We develop tools and services for VFX production based on artificial intelligence (AI) and conduct research and experimentation in machine learning (ML).
We can modify human appearance through digital face replacement and digital make-up based on our proprietary generative neural network software "Mascara" and create artistic concepts using our network-based workflow.
We automate the facial animation of avatars using “Nimble”, our proprietary system for capturing and transferring human facial expressions to 3D characters.
We facilitate the creation of multi-channel textures at any resolution without repeating patterns using our proprietary “HexTiler" tool.

Russia, Moscow, Bakuninskaya Street, 73, p.1 +7 (495) 600-31-68

© CGF innovation. All rights reserved